Wednesday, October 30, 2019

LEGAL ASPECTS OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LEGAL ASPECTS OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Managers in hotel, restaurant and travel firms are therefore required by the law to prevent any form of violations to these laws. The managers of these firms need to take into consideration the various actions and precautions they need to avoid. Avoidance of these precautions will therefore save them the number of the lawsuits that they need to attend to. Good traits imposed by the management of these firms would provide the firms with good reputation. The reputation of the firm would earn the firm more clients. The success of the firm would also lies with the competency of the employees. Therefore, adequate and competent staff is vital for the realization of the objectives of the firm. Employee’s knowledge of the legal framework of the firm is equally important. Maintenance of good legal practices by the employees would ensure survival of the firm. The firm would be able to survive because it would not be subjected to many lawsuits. For the smooth running of the hotel, staff development is crucial. Proper management of these hotels, restaurants and travel firms would also ease the coordination of the scheduled activities of these firms. Managers would have ease time carrying out other administrative duties of the firms. Correct legal practice would also enable these firms to effectively deal with external forces such as the political environments. The knowledge of the legal practices would give hospitality management students a good chance to meet the expectations of the employer firms as well as the expectations of the recruiters (Gerber 168). Simulation of the â€Å"real world† dynamics The studies which were learnt in the class work would therefore impact the necessary skills required by the hospitality management students to effective manage such kinds of firms. Running and maintenance of hotel and restaurant firms is a demanding task. The manager of these firms must have the technical knowledge concerning the operations and the legal practic e of these businesses. The management processes would provide the hospitality students with the platform to put in practice all the theories they have learnt in the class. The knowledge of the laws governing the practice of hotel, restaurant and travel firms would help the students to; Meet the expectation of the employer and the recruiters Most of the employers and recruiters of the hospitality management students demand a lot from them. The employers would assume that the students have all the solutions to the problems that hospitality management profession faces. In such cases, the knowledge gathered from the class work would be essential. These students would use the knowledge learnt in class to provide the solutions for the numerous challenges that face this sector. The students would be able to schedule the activities of these firms for purposes of meeting the required levels of objectives. In this hospitality management course, the fresh students would be able to create a rea l life business plan for the firm and implementation of the created plans. The curriculum is needed to form the satisfaction of the basic purpose contained in the hospitality management education. The preparation procedures by the students would therefore entirely relies on the curricula. Create more business opportunity for these firms As managers of these firms, the students would be able to exercise the knowledge obtained from class to expand the business territory for the firms. The students wou

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Performance Based Legislation and Building Control System

Performance Based Legislation and Building Control System Building regulatory control systems: The regulatory control system is also known by the terms, Building regulations, code or control. It can be called the bible of construction which contains the regulations and specifications for the construction standards. Abiding by these codes enables the builders to attain a permission from a certain concerned council. In a gist this regulatory control systems takes into special account public safety, common welfare and factors concerning good health but this is specific for a certain jurisdiction. When enacted it is the law. The target population within the stronghold of this law are engineers, environmental specialists, architects, contractors and real estate managers. The development and implementation of Performance Based Legislation (PBL) including; Performance based legislation, is a broader term that specifically concerns incentive directive for utilities. It focuses on strengthening the performance benefits for a certain utility and is not only confined to construction. Historical Development of PBL Internationally PBL essentially is a quality control regulating legislation. In the North American embodiment, MRP (multi-year plans) have found praise concerning amenities that demanded a greater marketing tractability. The MRPs are essential milestones which are take up as a common attitude to PBL all over the world. This concept has facilitated the construction of railway, lines of telecommunication as well as oil and gas pipelines. This meshwork of interconnectedness enable the sustenance and development of markets with different competition pressures but relying on the same set of basic resources. The utilization of the concept dates back to as early as 1979. The archival information obtained from this year laid emphasis on the utilization of cost and output research. The common designs being Sudit and Baumol. (Baumol, 1982 Saudit 1979).Later the popularity started shifting to Canada and later progressed onward to the United States especially in the paradigms of energy sector. In the construct ion sector, the first introduction of the need for performance based legislation concerning the minimum design requisites dates back to c. 1796 to 1750 BC and are present in the form of Hammurabis Code which states that structure of an abode should not kill a breathing entity. The initial definition of such a design was made known in France back in 1965 attributed to Blachere and the Agrement. The following 50 years were very much stagnant concerning the building design and architecture owed largely due to this code and the laws which pretty much numbed down all the innovative modifications in favour of past experiences. 20th Century saw a marked deviation attributed to the need for increased flexibility to facilitate inter country and continent goods transfer. Finally innovation set its roots and this approach came to be known as performance based building. Privatisation of resources has led to the enactment of regulatory mechanisms in the past 20 years by different countries. . (L iffont Tirole. 1993). The Historical Development of the Building Code of Australia and the incorporation of PBL. The constitution of Australia has laid out important regulations and the control jurisdiction of the government. The matters not mentioned rest with the states. The issues of safety and wellbeing of people and buildings rests with the territorial local governments. This has prompted to eight separate demonstrations of Parliament and eight particular building administrative frameworks. At different circumstances, it has been significantly more unpredictable, with a few states passing on a large number of their building administrative forces to their civil chambers, which successfully sanctioned their own building administrative frameworks by method for committee by-laws. The many-sided quality of Australias building administrative framework gave an authoritative labyrinth to building experts to work through. Be that as it may, after World War II a few of the States and Territories began to set up more uniform specialized building necessities, and those States and Territories which app ointed their essential duties to civil committees began to recover control. This provoked further exchange about the advantages of having a national arrangement of building directions. (Bergeron. 2008).Interstate Standing Committee on Uniform Building Regulations (ISCUBR) was built up in the year 1965. ISCUBR was a conciliatory agreement between the State and Territory organizations in charge of building administrative matters to pool their assets for the combined general advantage of the state and the territories within. ISCUBRs first undertaking was to draft a model specialized code for building administrative purposes. The record was alluded to as the Australian Model Uniform Building Code (AMUBC), and was initially discharged in the mid 1970s. The AMUBC contained recommendations for both specialized matters and some authoritative matters, which depended on the Local Government Act of New South Wales. The aim was that States and Territories could utilize the AMUBC as a model for their own particular building controls. Be that as it may, variety from the model was impressive, with many changing arrangements as per their view of neighborhood needs. (Meacham, 2004). Other areas where PBL is extending? As already mentioned through chronological historical evidence Performance based Legislation is employed in different sectors, it was first employed in the telecommunications and railway sector to improve the interconnectedness in terms of a feasible import and export system both within and between states. (Deroukakis. 2000). This was followed by the advancement of Performance based legislation to the energy sector predominantly oil and gas. Construction and building based performance legislation followed the trend. It had been in force way before in the 1700 BC but it was not flexible and conformed to experience. It was not based on performance but only on the minimal safety procedures and codes that should be adopted. In layman terms PBL can be essentially related to a quality control system that lays out basic requirements to decrease the susceptibility to a mishap in any field and to increase productivity incentives. Its immense benefits have enables many other areas to follow su it and it will continue to especially the health sector and pollution regulatory systems also make use of PBL. (Meacham, 2010). Your opinion as to the advantages and disadvantages of PBL I believe that its advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that has mostly to do with the way the PBL is framed. If we relate to PBL as a department of efficacy control then it makes sure that the set standards are rightfully met and nothing is laid bare for the customer to question against. The desire for these systems originated for receiving an optimum performance ratio along with the most beneficial utilization of resources including money and raw material for an effective revenue generation and customer satisfaction. (Liffont Tirole. 1993). The marketing process like other sciences of management carefully studies the human population and then decides on its mode of action. This particular approach is called the Customer Oriented Approach of marketing, which microscopically analyses the paradigm of behavior and needs from every corner visible or hidden. Then there is another approach of Holistic marketing which analyses market segmentation. This market segmentation is later in corporated to execute perfection in all lines of control. The business is thought of as a complex and various paradigms of the organizations economical and custom based operations are thoroughly studied. All agenda is derived on the basis of customer know how and behavior to make the product incorporation and manufacture a larger profit both for the people and for the manufacturers. Different aspects of marketing role play are pivotal in determining its efficacy. (Machek Hnilica. 2012), Basically all tactics are incorporating efficacy for the customer affiliated investments. The prime purpose of a business is to establish a customer -following. He further stated that customers determine the product design, the sales and promotional department designs the sales pitch. So the crux of all this discussion is that the entire business schematic diagram buds out from the common mans perception of perfection in utility. Building Regulatory Control Systems Building Control Systems in Australia The development of Building regulatory control system or the building code has already been explained. It suggests that the technical provisions and flexible asset utilization are all in all made use of for the general advantage of the communities and the state as whole. That said, the code exhibits feasibility to enable effective marketing within and between territories. The Australian Building Codes Board maintains the Code of Australian building. This has attain a legal status in accordance to the act of building passed in 1975. (Bergeron. 2008).The building code is flexible to allow changes and modifications over the year according to the requirements. The changes are incorporated yearly and it is therefore essential to stay up to date with them in order to avoid disputes. Local Government Ministerial Council consented to the arrangement of the Australian Building Regulations Coordinating Council (AUBRCC) in 1980, to supersede ISCUBR. AUBRCCs principle assignment was to keep on d eveloping the AMUBC, which prompted to the creation of the main release of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) in 1988. The BCA continued to be progressively furnished and amended, the next draft was discharged in 1990. States and Territories dynamically received this release of the BCA amid the mid 1990s. In 1991, the Building Regulation Review Task Force prescribed to Council of Australian Governments (COAG) the foundation of a body to accomplish sweeping national change. An Inter-government Agreement (IGA) was marked in April 1994 to set up the ABCB One of the main assignments of the ABCB was to change over the BCA into an all the more completely execution based archive. The ABCB discharged the execution based BCA (BCA96) in October 1996. BCA96 was embraced by the Commonwealth and most states and regions on 1 July 1997, with the rest of it by mid 1998. (Meacham, 2010). International BuildingControl Systems (Minimum 3) England: Incorporated the utility of robust details within the design approval system. This factor of robust detail is characterized as an intricacy in detail which is not vulnerable to defects on part of workmanship. The utilization or incorporation of a robust detail in design results in immunity from testing. It is essentially owed to the fact that the output or productivity of such designs is way beyond that of meagre performance. The monitoring system in England and Wales is equally extensive and ensures that all requisites are carefully met without a chance of loopholes. (Meacham, 2010). Japan: the approval system consists of three bodies: a local approval body, a private inspection body and a review body. The code does not exhibit flexibility as compared to the Australian code. It implies that if innovative methods are used or are to be used in the entire or even a part of the building that do not abide by the code, a ministerial approval is required. This approval will only be provided after evaluation of the overall general performance. This in turn is done by evaluation bodies which are characterized by high technical expertise and an unprejudiced testing procedure. (Meacham, 2010). Netherlands: Private contractors are in control of the building controls. These are mostly engineers belonging to the private sectors. There is a local building control body which keep in check the level of responsibility adequate as well as the degree of control to be employed. (Meacham, 2010). How the InternationalSystems Compare/Differ to the Australian System i.e Public vs Private? Out of the three countries studied, the Australian building control system has the least chance of disputes and a greater flexibility to incorporate market based innovations. The competition pressure when different resources are considered and therefore the technical provision often have to be moulded to incorporate the innovations. Moreover because the Australian system has developed an agreement between the state and the territories therefore the chances of dispute and benefit disparities are the least. The process is also less tedious and whether the building is private or public sector based the advantage will be quantified on the whole. Japanese system is tedious and the least flexible. It does not consider intricacies like the Australian system. Five stages are involved in the final approval of a design and the building structure approval. The approval system consists of three instead of two bodies which belong to both the public and the private sectors. The system of England a nd Wales considers intricacies in terms of robust details. The approval or disapproval is based on performance evaluation in case of presence of such details. (Meacham, 2010). The Australian system might do well by incorporating a tad bit sterner regulations that take into consideration the initial blueprints as well along with the manufacturers performance evaluation followed by the final building evaluation considering the grade of materials employed in construction and the satisfaction of the labour force. If they have embraced PBL and how? All the countries have embraced PBL to some degree. The modern world is characterized and put into place by the regulations and legislations. There are some main sectors that determine a countrys progress, these being the transport system with immense significance to freight transport by air, land and sea; then there is the telecommunication sector followed by the most important sector or energy pertaining to oil, wind, gas, water, nuclear attributed to the various methods of electricity generation, education and health sectors follow suit. It would be unjust to say that a country, any country, does not adopt PBL in any of these sectors when this control regulatory mechanism forms an essential and inevitable part of a sustainability agenda of the country as a whole. (Deroukakis. 2000). This term is basically a concept for a particular company, business or organization to expand its area of trade across borders. This should first be met with a greater percentage of local consent for i t to thrive in the global markets. Many skeptics however are dubious to its benefits and claim that globalization delineates economical standards and makes them more obvious. Furthermore it is subjected to variability depending on the economic conditions of developed countries. PBL takes into consideration all these minimum factors. Your opinions as to the advantages or disadvantages of each system compared to the Australian Systems Japanese System exhibits a tedious but a completely fool proof system of building control regulation. It follows a conventional system and any innovative design that does not conform to the BSL will have to get the approval from the municipal authority which bases the issuance on the performance standards as a whole. This is the building control system of the Japanese which has enabled the construction of a perfect skyline and erection of buildings withstanding strong jolts of earthquake. One reason for a strict building control system is attributed to the geography of the country as well. Japan is falls in the list of countries hit the most with earthquakes. England takes into consideration the robust details which are intricacies that might be subjected to a poor craftsmanship. This gives a better performance but it also waives off the requirements of testing. Buildings having robust details need more initial scrutiny and once constructed provide a better productivity. Netherlands has probably the most lax system. It relies on private bodies and personnel to manage as control bodies but the regional or local control has power to monitor and levy adequate scrutiny. Everything tends to create a region of influence in its domicile, especially the most popular concepts of globalization and culture encounters. Globalization will probably vent the way but cultural friction will pose an alarming threat to the aspired harmony. The pros of the culture therefore inculcate the potential of growth, identity, prospects of trade and room for evolution. It absorbs as it evolves but retains its boundaries. It allows for a healthy competition among a variety of cultures as well as discerns limits. It is the job of a leader or a project manager in this case to explore the potential of all staff members are ensure that the atmosphere breeds a healthy competition. Your recommendations on PBL for the future. The following minimum requisites should be incorporated in the PBL in case of building system control and the same essence should be utilized in other sectors. The arranging license for building venture must be acquired; The execution drawing of the building must be examined and affirmed by assigned associations; Except for little scale building ventures, application for a development allow must be submitted to the neighbourhood development expert preceding development; All duty substances occupied with building operations must have important capabilities recommended by directions. Specific specialized work force occupied with building operations must get fitting capability declarations; The manufacturer must complete investigation over the building materials, segments and fittings and gear. Those that neglect to pass the investigation might not be utilized; The imaginative development strategies or potentially building items that dont fit in with the obligatory prerequisites of building benchmarks might be shown to accomplish the same level of execution as required; The building control officers and administrators in the interest of the building proprietor can review the work amid development and can request that the manufacturer make amendments, when they choose that building work does not comply with plan prerequisites; After finishing of the work, the building should not be given over for utilize unless it has been affirmed to be appropriate for the planned use through acknowledgment examination; All included gatherings occupied with building operations may apply for quality framework accreditation as well as item quality confirmation to outsider affirmation body endorsed by government; and All included gatherings occupied with building operations may apply for quality framework confirmation and additionally item quality affirmation to outsider accreditation body endorsed by government. References Baumol, William J., (1982). Productivity Incentive Clauses and Rate Adjustment for Inflation, Public Utilities Fortnightly, Bergeron, D. (2008). Codes for Existing Buildings: Different Approaches for Different Countries, proceedings of the 7 th International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, SFPE, Bethesda, MD, USA, pp.15-23 Deroukakis (2000). Performance-Based Codes: Impact on International Trade, IRCC Occasional Paper, IRCC, October 2000 ( Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean. (1993) A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation, The MIT Press, Machek, O., Hnilica, J. (2012), The Role of Productivity Benchmarking in Tariff Regulation of Public Utilities: Evidence from Czech Gas Distribution Industry and Implications for Post-Communist European Countries (PDF)., International Journal of Economics and Statistics., Vol. 2, 2014, pp. 224-230. Meacham, B. J. (2004). Global Policy Summit on the Role of Performance-Based Building Regulations in Addressing Societal Expectations, International Policy, and Local Needs: Summit Report, National Research Council, Washington, DC and Inter-jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee, Canberra, Australia, (summary report, conference papers and presentations available at Meacham, Brian J. (2010). Performance-Based Building Regulatory Systems Principles and Experiences. A Report of the Inter-jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee. IRCC Sudit, E. Fred. (1979). Automatic Rate Adjustments Based on Total Factor Productivity Performance in Public Utility Regulation, in Problems in Public Utility Economics and Regulation. Michael A. Crew ed., Lexington Books. The Regulatory Assistance Project, Performance-Based Regulation for Distribution Utilities, December 2000.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Wuthering Heights - Series of Contrasts :: essays research papers

A) Catherine’s love for Heathcliff is torn between both Heathcliff and Edgar Linton – conflicting loyalties. Her love for Heathcliff is prompted by impulses to disregard social conventions. Her love for Heathcliff causes her to throw tantrums and to run around the moor. She considers Heathcliff her soul mate: their life growing up together, their enjoyable times on the moor, and her freedom and innocence of her childhood. â€Å"If I’ve done wrong, I’m dying for it. It is enough! You left me too – but I won’t upbraid you! I forgive you. Forgive me!† represents Catherine’s love and yet her cruel treatment of Heathcliff for marrying Edgar to attain material and social gains. B) In chapter 17 Isabelle returns to the Grange in physical disarray. She saw Heathcliff as a romantic figure, like a character one would find in a novel. Yet, her decision to go with Heathcliff ruins her life. He never returns her feelings and treats her as a tool in his perusal of revenge on the Linton family. C) Both women have an initial desire to be with Heathcliff, while only Isabella ends up marrying Heathcliff. Heathcliff’s love for Isabella is a mere tool to achieve his ultimate goal of revenge. He marries her as a mean of revenge. On the other hand, Heathcliff and Catherine would complete each other, they are soul-mates. Neither of their experiences are successful and they both do not get what they originally desired (the love of their life). 2. A) When Hindley's wife Frances dies shortly after giving birth to their son Hareton, Hindley lapses into alcoholism and dissipation. Nelly expected Hindley to become sober and attend his wife’s funeral. â€Å"'Yesterday, you know, Mr. Earnshaw should have been at the funeral. He kept himself sober for the purpose - tolerably sober: not going to bed mad at six o'clock and getting up drunk at twelve. Consequently, he rose, in suicidal low spirits, as fit for the church as for a dance; and instead, he sat down by the fire and swallowed gin or brandy by tumblerfuls.† B) â€Å"But, I thought in my mind, Hindley, with apparently the stronger head, has shown himself sadly the worse and the weaker man. When his ship struck, the captain abandoned his post; and the crew, instead of trying to save her, rushed into riot and confusion, leaving no hope for their luckless vessel. Linton, on the contrary, displayed the true courage of a loyal and faithful soul: he trusted God; and God comforted him† Wuthering Heights - Series of Contrasts :: essays research papers A) Catherine’s love for Heathcliff is torn between both Heathcliff and Edgar Linton – conflicting loyalties. Her love for Heathcliff is prompted by impulses to disregard social conventions. Her love for Heathcliff causes her to throw tantrums and to run around the moor. She considers Heathcliff her soul mate: their life growing up together, their enjoyable times on the moor, and her freedom and innocence of her childhood. â€Å"If I’ve done wrong, I’m dying for it. It is enough! You left me too – but I won’t upbraid you! I forgive you. Forgive me!† represents Catherine’s love and yet her cruel treatment of Heathcliff for marrying Edgar to attain material and social gains. B) In chapter 17 Isabelle returns to the Grange in physical disarray. She saw Heathcliff as a romantic figure, like a character one would find in a novel. Yet, her decision to go with Heathcliff ruins her life. He never returns her feelings and treats her as a tool in his perusal of revenge on the Linton family. C) Both women have an initial desire to be with Heathcliff, while only Isabella ends up marrying Heathcliff. Heathcliff’s love for Isabella is a mere tool to achieve his ultimate goal of revenge. He marries her as a mean of revenge. On the other hand, Heathcliff and Catherine would complete each other, they are soul-mates. Neither of their experiences are successful and they both do not get what they originally desired (the love of their life). 2. A) When Hindley's wife Frances dies shortly after giving birth to their son Hareton, Hindley lapses into alcoholism and dissipation. Nelly expected Hindley to become sober and attend his wife’s funeral. â€Å"'Yesterday, you know, Mr. Earnshaw should have been at the funeral. He kept himself sober for the purpose - tolerably sober: not going to bed mad at six o'clock and getting up drunk at twelve. Consequently, he rose, in suicidal low spirits, as fit for the church as for a dance; and instead, he sat down by the fire and swallowed gin or brandy by tumblerfuls.† B) â€Å"But, I thought in my mind, Hindley, with apparently the stronger head, has shown himself sadly the worse and the weaker man. When his ship struck, the captain abandoned his post; and the crew, instead of trying to save her, rushed into riot and confusion, leaving no hope for their luckless vessel. Linton, on the contrary, displayed the true courage of a loyal and faithful soul: he trusted God; and God comforted him†

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Us History Civil War Dbq

James Richards Harris 3rd The Fatal Flaws of the Constitution (DBQ) During the 1850’s, the supreme and absolute Constitution, which had previously seen no topic it couldn’t resolve or illuminate in the eyes of its interpreters, was faced with its toughest, unrelenting foe; the issue of slavery, and the locations that it existed in or was desired to exist in. Ultimately, this issue led to the demise of the Union that had been created under the watchful and guiding eye of the Constitution. This decade in particular was brimming with the reoccurring argument of whether or not slavery would be allowed to expand into any newly-acquired United States territories. The sectional discord that resulted between the South and the North as a result of this argument ended in secession, disunion, and eventually war. The flaw of the Constitution existed not in its clear and over-comprehensive guidelines for the Union, but rather in its ambiguity over the rarely discussed topic of slavery. In fact, it was so infrequently discussed because in 1839, Congress had passed a â€Å"gag rule† that prohibited any debate about, reading of, printing of, or reference to slavery. There was such a state of ambiguity on the subject that each side, North and South, found the Constitution as both a helpful tool to prove that they were in fact in the right and the other side in the wrong. By 1850 sectional disagreements centering on slavery were straining the bonds of union between the North and South due to the Compromise of 1850 (doc A). These tensions became especially acute when congress began to consider whether western lands acquired after the Mexican War would permit slavery under popular sovereignty. In 1849 California requested to enter the Union as a free state. Adding more Free State senators to Congress would destroy the balance between slave and free states that had existed since the Missouri compromise of 1820. The compromise essentially erased the effects of the compromise by allowing the balance of free and slave state to potentially be broken. The Sectional sentiment that was aroused by the compromise of 1850 is obviously present in a letter from an anonymous Georgian (doc B). In his â€Å"plain words for the north†, the Georgian emphasizes that the constitution â€Å"recognizes slavery where it exists† and that unless the same view was accepted by the North the destruction, â€Å"the destruction of the constitution is inevitable†. However in a document by William Llyod Garrison (doc E), Garrison, an extreme abolitionist whose motto was â€Å"no union with slaveholders†, argued that the constitution â€Å"never intended to give any protection or countenance to the slave system†. Thus the question of whether or not the constitution protected slavery arose. Since the framers of the did not explicitly condone or embrace slavery, the decision was left to congress, the president, and the courts to decide. Although salvery was not mentioned in the Constitution, the context of it essentially supports slavery- many of the signers were slave owners. However, northerners such as Emerson (Doc D), who addressed the fugitive slave law, argued that slavery was immoral and foresaw the ending of the Union. Southerners on the other hand, saw slavery as their naturall right and regarded the three-fifths clause as evidence that slaves did not hold the rights of citizens. Sountherns were aided in their argument by the Dred Scott decision in the Supreme Court, which ruled that African Americans had no civil rights, and the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Although the decision was made on the basis of the interpretation of the Constitution, it also reflected the susceptiballity of the court to be influenced by personal views and politics due to the fact that several of the judges were slave owners. Even though the court decision settled the question of slavery explansion and strengthened the souths position, it irnonically fueled the republican movement after the defeat of the Lecompton constitution to establish equitable voting methods. After Lincolns election South Carolina, which saw secession as the only alternative left to protect their way of life and liberty, challenged federal authority and attempted to coerce other southern states to join them. On February 7, 1871, seven slave states declared independence, joined the confederate states of America and elected Jefferson Davis as president. In davis’ message to Confederate Congress (Doc H), he expressed his view that the constitution set up a compact between independent states, rather than a national government made up of states. The misconception that the Constitution set up a national government, he said, was the perception of a certain political school in the North. In contrast, Lincolns message (Doc I) questions how the southern states could withdraw from the Union without the consent of the other states. As these two documents have pointed out, the different interpretations by which the Northerners and Southerners interpreted the Constitution was one of the main sources of sectional discord and tension. Despite efforts at preserving the Union, social and economic forces were pulling the North and South apart. Northern society was beign cultured by the industrial revolution, and by educational and humanitarian movements that had little effect in the South. Southern society was dominated by agriculture, and therefore slavery was a necessary institution and way of life. Since the North and South were essentially two different societies united under one common law, it seemed inevitable that the conflict over slavery and states rights would arise. It would have been impossible to accommodate the differences between the North and South under one law that applied to both. So while the constitution was originally framed as an instrument of national unity there was no possible way for it not to divide the nation with two entirely different societies. Therefore the only solution to save the union was not to abolish the constitution, but to either abolish or accept slavery.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Lady with the Little Dog Essay

1.â€Å"The lady with the little dog â€Å"- Analyzing literature questions 1. Gurov’s character represents as a man who dislikes the company of man of his age. He finds their company uninterested and boring. In addition, he finds his wife to be unintelligent, narrow, and inelegant and he did not like to stay home at all and had been unfaithful to his wife as well. He also refers to woman’s race in a â€Å"the lower race. † Nevertheless, he seems to enjoy the company of women, which only associates with women. He believes, with woman’s company he finds himself free, knows exactly what to say and how to behave with them. He also believes that he has a charm, which attracts women to attract towards him. His character starts to develop when he chats with other women’s and there he finds Anna and starts talking to her. The main contribution to the development of Gurov’s character is caused through Anna. For most of the reason, because, he finds Anna attractive and Since, the day they both had a conversation, from that time, Gurov starts indulging himself to her even more. Later, he starts insisting her to meet every day. 2. The narrator describes Gurov’s wife as a tall, erect woman with dark eyebrows, staid and dignified and she says ‘intellectual to herself’. It can easily be notified that Gurov’s wife does not give that much effort to be familiar with his environment. She seems to take less care of her husband. ‘It seems like she does not want to do anything with her husband. So, which makes it much easier for reader to interpret that why Gurov gets in an affair with other woman. Even, though he has a family of his own and a wife as well. Of course, Gurov will have an affair with another woman since his wife does not seem to care about any of his activities or anything related to him. 3. In the story, Gurov and Anna love story begins in Yalta. Both of them starts talking to each other, and then starts meeting every other day. Then, both of them start falling in love. They, start meeting each other secretly. Their love story takes place continuous. One day, Anna had to go back to Petersburg, back to her original life- to her husband. Then , in Moscow, Gurov tries to forget Anna but he fails to do so. He keeps trying and trying but it doesn’t work. So then, flashback appears in his mind of all the memories he spent with Anna in Yalta. Then he finally decides to go to Petersburg to meet her and clear things out. After he meets her, she tells him she will visit him in Moscow. Then again both of them starts meeting each other secretly. Finally, both of them realizes they are doing wrong by meeting each other in secretly. Also, in Moscow he realizes for the first time he fall in love. Although, he seems a bit older, but for the first time he falls in love. Basically, in Moscow, both of them from their fantasy world goes back to their original world. But realization occurs, and they decides to plan out how they will try to sort things out. Also, Moscow’s cold weather symbolizes the realization of things. It also tells us shows the memories of moments spent before the winter.  It shows lonliness, cold, and unaware of things, uninterested and easily get bored. 4. When first coming into contact with her, Gurov notices that she is walking a dog. The kind of dog that she is walking, a white Pomeranian, symbolizes Anna’s innocence. She is a married woman, alone on vacation while her husband is back at home sick. It is evident that there was something special about Anna that drew in Gurov because the story says, â€Å"a romance with an unknown woman†¦ suddenly took possession of him. † Although, shortly after having sexual intercourse with Anna Gurov â€Å"felt bored already†¦ He was irritated by the naive tone. †